Research and Development
Kampo Medicine × Modern Science
Toward the development of new sustainable pharmaceuticals
Developing new medicines of natural origin
by integrating Kampo medicine and modern science.

By integrating Kampo medicine and modern science we are able to develop high quality “nutraceuticals.” Medicines derived from natural sources that provide physiological benefits while being more eco friendly and sustainable.
Product development of new pharmaceuticals, health foods, and health beverages based on Kampo medical science
Chinese herbal medicines, which have been accumulated and handed down through thousands of years of history, contain medicinal ingredients that we humans have yet to learn about. At that time, pharmaceutical technology was still in its infancy, so it was not possible to fully understandall of them. Modern day technology has made significant improvements since then and continues to evolve every day.
Through the use of modern technology, we are able to uncover some of the lost historical knowledge of medicine and combine it to make medicines that are safer and easier for the body to metabolize. This is the science of kampo medicine.The Institute of Kampo Medicine and Science is the source of a great deal of information on kampo medicine.
Exploratory research and development of potential substances for new medicine derived from medicinal plant components.
We conduct research and development of medicinal ingredients from various medicinal herbs, which are raw materials for Chinese herbal medicines, that have the potential to become ingredients for new “nutraceuticals" and research and development of functional foods containing medicinal herb ingredients.

three kinds of lotus embryo bud-derived component compounds
(antidepressant and sedative effects)
2010.9 Patented in U.S.
2011.3 Patented in Japan
2011.6 Patented in Europe
zip530-0047 1-7-20 Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka TEL. 06-6362-1506/FAX 06-6362-1505